Fashion is probably one of the most common words among girls all over the world. However, is there anybody who can describe us the truly meaning of this word, or at least give us some its definition? When we say fashion, do we thing on the same meaning or every country and every nation has the story on its own.
Fashion all over the world
I have been traveling a lot for the past ten years, and I have to admit that the fashion is completely different form one part of the world to another. What is normal for classical European girls can be inappropriate for the girl that comes from the eastern part of the world. On the other hand, what is normal for Eastern girls can be an offense for American girl and so on. No matter how cosmopolitan we think, we are there are differences and variances from country to country. I came to a conclusion that the best way to understand the fashion of some country is to try to understand their culture, traditions, and habits, even a climate is important and affects a lot the fashion.
Inner beauty or a sort of rebellion
The point of every type of style is to show your beauty. In some cases, women need to express their need to feel free. Everyone wants to show its best qualities. I noticed that women who have to cover their complete figure usually have a lot of make-up. It is probably a way to attract the attention. Because no matter what religion or nation woman is, she has a need to attract the opposite gender. They also use a lot of jewelry; I was enjoying it when I was in Abu Dhabi.
Sometimes we can notice that girls wear clothes, these clothes sometimes are expressing a little bit aggressive and negative attitude.This is usually common among teenagers where they just want to distinguish themselves from others and to express their rebellion and that teenage spirit. Usually, they wear alternative kind of jewelry and piercing is very often part of this fashion or tattoos. They also dye their hair in very unusual colors such as fluorescent green, pink or red.
In a conclusion
It leads us to the conclusion that fashion represents a sort of expression. It shows our attitude, our opinion, our way of thinking, or our tradition and even our character. You can have found out immediately whether the person you are talking to for the first time in your life introvert or extrovert. Yes, all that according to his or her clothes. You can even realize if the person wants to hide something behind those clothes.